Who We Are
At PassEDA, we are proud to be a team of dedicated volunteers who are deeply committed to enhancing the quality of life and work in the Southern California region. Our board consists of representatives from various sectors, including education, business, utilities, government, and the local residents themselves.
We are driven by a common goal: to create the best possible living and working environments in the San Gorgonio Pass communities. We believe that by bringing together our diverse expertise and perspectives, we can make a meaningful impact and foster positive change.
If you are passionate about giving back to your community and are interested in contributing your time and skills to our board, we would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us by email at PassEDAinfo@gmail.com. Together, let's continue making a difference and building a brighter future for all.
Dr. Roger Schultz
Board President
Mickey Valdiva
Board Member
Aileen Flores
Board Member
Laura Leindecker
Board Member